20230827 : purpose pyramid...

When I was younger, maybe till about late 30s till early 40s, I was not very sure about my purpose in life and was kinda hunting for it . Not overtly I guess, but there was an undercurrent of finding that purpose of what I was doing. Whether in what I read, what I did, what I chose to spend time to think about, etc. 

It was a bit frustrating I think. I didn't realise or feel or understand the frustration, but it was there. I guess it was building up for a potent eruption later which is usually referred to as "mid life crisis".

Luckily or unluckily, the stroke got to me sooner. I had a even larger crisis presenting itself, dwarfing all other potential eruptions 

Even after the stroke, many have told me there should be some purpose otherwise I wouldn't have been kept alive. I just have to find it. Even if I don't think about it very much, this thought seeded into my mind has played with the mind many many times. 

I won't call this final, everything changes always and thoughts are also bound to change, but I think I have figured it out (for now).

I think purpose is a pyramid - like Maslow's needs hierarchy.

The very bottom is the common purpose we all have that we are born with - that is to live. To stay alive. Nothing else.

Above that, because we need a diverse life to survive on the planet and diversity of life. Try not to harm others if your survival is not impacted. We are on top of the food chain and the only animal to be capable of thinking this way . Basically "live and let live". Sustainable living I guess. 

Once that is there, what can we do to help living conditions for everyone (all life, not just people). "Live and let live well". " sustainable planet" sort of..

Once that is there, what can we do to help others (people). As far as possible - be helpful to other people. I guess in this rung where there is a big need for empathy along with helpfulness.

Beyond this, I don't know what all comes in play with purpose. I am guessing tha pyramid gets very narrow here.

I think, well I know, I still have a lot to worry about within these layers of the "purpose pyramid" to worry about what else lies on top to try and fulfill.

I don't think I can get there when I have to first strengthen these layers... no point spending time thinking about it either.... 


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