20230727 : Democracy terminology

I think we should have a different terminology in democracy

Today, we have the "Ruling" party and the "Opposition" parties.

Both of them (world over) take the terms very literally and their jobs very seriously in that mandate.

The ruling party does anything they want assuming they can do anything (since they are the rulers) and opposition (oh boy!) they just oppose and place hurdles in everything good or bad (it's their job no)

I think the majority party should be called "elected party" (or something like that), which will keep reminding them that their term is not perpetual and should keep peoples interest to get re-elected and the other parties should be called " supporting " parties (or something to that effect) to stop elected law makers to be a bit more civilized than acting like hooligans.

The elected parties mandate will be more people focussed (hopefully). That doesn't mean they can do anything.

The supporting party's mandate should be to not opposite everything blindly but to understand everything, identify areas of misuse, corruption, etc. and devise and implement checks and balances in everything so the elected party is kept in check in their term ...


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