20230622 : remembering old ways...

Disclaimer: this is all my observations, thoughts and hypothesis. No medical grounds backing it. Please ignore if you don't agree

It's the onset of the south western monsoon in India/ Bangalore. The weather changes drastically and rapidly (from hot and dry to wet and cold). In absolute terms, it's not really a lot compared to what we see as extremes in the upper of lower hemispheres, but very much felt because of the rapidity in change.

In my opinion (in my case atleast), it is probably the worst time of the year for folks having some sort of bronchial allergy tendancy. I know I am very prone and affected by it every year.

The the entire breathing path (nasal cavity, trachea & lungs get clogged because of secretions (phlem) and usually some relief is got by using a spray/ nebulisation of broncho dialators, bronchial steroids and expectorants.

As I mentioned, it is that time of the year. Yesterday was a struggle. My nasal cavity was clogged and I could feel the secretions forming during the day. Usually, the best defence is to stay active, play something very rigorous to keep the body and lungs warm from within (which is why I started playing basketball as a kid). Sometimes downing I or 2 very hard pegs also goes a long way to help keep the warmth (I remember having spoonfuls of hard brandy as a kid and the nasty smell and taste I had to endure as a young boy. Its probably why I avoided alcohol for almost 3 decades after.

I remember 4 years ago (in 2019), I was still not out of the hospital. I knew this tendancy of mine and what a struggle it would be (I was in a much much worse condition - with a tube through my throat and I had realised I am unable to cough. I couldn't speak or communicate with others to warn them as well about it (otherwise in the hospital they will do some tests a-z and get off in some other tangent- I am sure nobody knew this tendancy history). I know (in my mind), I made a lot of fuss and effort to convey this to others but I am sure no-one knew what I was trying to convey.

But what ensued was an absolute anticlimax. Sure I still was in the hospital with several problems.- but nothing happened to me because of this phenomenon.

The past 4 years as well, nothing happened. Each time I would mentally prepare to face this ordeal and nothing would happen.

This year however, I have been dragged into the battlefield.

For the first time after 4½ years, I am had a cold yesterday. (The running nose, blocked nose and clogged sinus feeling) . This for a guy who has probably lived with tissue boxes everywhere at arms length.

For the past 4 seasons, this had not happened. Why? What happened?

I have a theory presented below (not medically backed of course)

I had a massive stroke in the brain stem - which controls all the automatic and most primitive functions of the body. A lot of the breathing and breathing related functions are controlled by the same area of the brain (which is also why I don't have breathing control, diaphragm control, cough ability etc.)

My theory is this:

A lot of the issues we face (the bronchial issues) are not really problems from a body/ brain point of view. Sure as people we suffer immensely from it as a consequence, but as far as the brain/ body is concerned, it is doing its job well 

There are some allergens we are very sensitive to (dust, pollen, etc). Something in this time , coupled with the drastic change in climate sets off the reaction. The formation of phlem/ secretions is only a defence response to protect the lungs and airway from this allergic reaction. The same secretions we really suffer majorly from. So, as far as the brain is concerned, it's a job well done.

This is one example. I have observed this in many other things - where my body has not reacted in usual/ predictable ways - leaving me very surprised.

So why is it happening?

I think, since my stroke affected many parts of the brain stem - it doesn't anymore know that it has to create this type of bodily response.

No allergic reaction - no secretions - no suffering.

One more such significant occurrence (twice) I have felt in the last 2 years is when I had COVID (once during delta time and another during omicron times).
I was imagining I will struggle very much both times because of my general condition and weaker lung function). However, both times it was mild. Mild is an overstatement - I had zero reaction. Extremely surprising in my state.

However, if you think about it, most adverse reactions and suffering from covid was not because of covid directly but because of the body immune response going berserk.

What if the brain did not know it has to create a response? I am assuming (because of this observation on my case) - that covid by itself does no harm directly but causes harm by invoking the natural reactions of the body.

Well what does it mean to me now?

Its a bitter - sweet moment as usual. Bitter because of the sufferings and sweet because it probably means that that affected part of the brain reconstructed itself. 

Don't know what is in store next...

PS: ignore any typos and errors, it was all written uf around 3am when I was enjoying the fruits of this phenomenon...


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