20230615 : just like that

I have not written in a while. No particular reason. Just didn't feel like it one day and stopped.

Many may call it a "writer's block". I don't know if that is what it is. I understand writer's block as struggling to get substance to put down. I was not struggling with that. Vague thoughts come and go all the time. Some in my opinion, might be interesting or amusing to share. However I was not getting the will for it. I don't know what happened. There is nothing specific I can attribute it to. It's not like I am depressed or have lost general interest etc - I have been doing stuff and keeping myself occupied. Yet, somehow this was not happening.

Anyway, what was I upto generally. Watching a lot of podcasts (videocasts I guess) on YouTube. I realised it is a treasure trove for information.

I used to struggle earlier for informative and reliable content. In this day of diverse information, over information, misinformation, disinformation etc. Anything I read or saw came with a question/ doubt in the mind - "is it really true and authentic to rely on".

I realised there are many podcasts(videocasts) which are in a conversation format with very diverse personalities and very diverse topics - which gives some form of reliability (currently, till deep fakes get there too). I don't know what will happen then. 

Anyway, I am hoping the will to write (rather type/ tap) remains... 


  1. Writing about not writing is also writing 😀. Happens to me too. I mean to keep my blog updated every so often but I've found that it's better to write when I feel "that should be a blog post" vs on a schedule!

    1. agree KD. writing when we have something to convey is so much more relaxing and makes sense instead of trying ti met a particular schedule.


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