20230208 : at 50

Couple of days back - I was chatting with a good friend of mine. I was told we become wise, like "really wise" only when we turn 50.

I was very thrilled - I will find real wisdom in a couple of years. (I can't help but imagine that "inner peace" moment in kung fu panda 🙂)

I was intrigued by it though. What was the reason behind the milestone... A few more exchanges - I still did not get what I was looking for. But I could feel the conviction in the messages.

So, I thought about it as well. This is what I think it is (I may not be entirely right but it is what I think):

I think we all tend to lead most of our lives like it will go on forever. Anything we have to do, want to do, can do now - can always be done later also. It somehow seems there is a lot of time. Life is ahead of us not behind to keep looking in the rear view mirror. 

At some stage a switch comes on.

I think it is a combination of age, general health, general strength and most importantly - some external event making us realise it is not going to last forever. That every day is taking it closer to the end. I don't know how that realisation comes and what is the kind of trigger - but definitely Some switch goes on.

 I don't think it is age by itself. Some folks get it sooner, some later and some probably don't till they are on deathbeds.

After that switch comes on, our whole outlook towards everything changes.

This can be noticed in folks when they suddenly stop caring about what others think about them and others general judgemental opinions about them and start living life for how they they should and not how others think they should. 

We become the directors of our play and stop playing to impress the audience ...

I might be wrong, but I feel so strongly...

I wish we didn't have to rely on deteriorating conditions and external events for the switch to be turned on.

We could live such different and probably more fulfilling lives healthier, stronger and for a longer period... 


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