20230115 : letting go..

One of the very first and very hard things I had to deal with after the stroke was "letting go" . I am not talking only about attachment to things, pretty much everything. Out of all this, the hardest was letting go of "preferences"... Preference for so many things. What I wanted, what I liked and mostly how I wanted things to be done!

I didn't consider myself to be very pedantic with many preferences or a "micro manager". Once I couldn't speak, or move and influence how things were done, boy was I in for a surprise! I pity the folks who worked with me earlier...

That was really very hard. Letting go... pretty much everything if I had to put the mind to some semblance of rest.

It is coming back gradually on some matters as my ability to convey (written of course) is getting better. I have to keep reminding myself to avoid falling into that trap... Can't say I succeed everytime...

I was thinking about it though. Letting go of things is a natural process of growing old - probably especially 7th, 8th and 9th decade if we make it till there.

As we grow old, many many things we are unable to do like we did earlier. Limitations set in whether we like it or not. Physical surely, mental slowly, maybe financial, etc.

These things set in across 2-3 decades. Very gradual process. Gives us enough time to adjust to the changing us.

However, with strokes and other similar accidents and illnesses resulting in disabilities - it happens overnight. That has a definite shock element to it. Some may adjust to it eventually and others may react to it unacceptably. 

I have felt that - whether it is a sudden disability or gradual process, letting go of preferences will certainly keep the mind at rest. Something to learn quickly even though it might set in gradually... 


  1. Anonymous15/1/23 18:06

    "letting go of preferences will certainly keep the mind at rest" - true and keeps our life simple and contented

  2. I have had this issue with all fussy people who claim to be perfectionists. I empathise with control freaks now :)


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