20221216 : strength

I was recently watching something on TV regarding strong man. Involved someone pulling a plane with their hands.

There are many others similar I have seen in the past - lifting very heavy stuff, lifting a very heavy stone, lifting and throwing a log , etc. etc.

In my younger days, I did regular exercises and played sports to be strong. I think it was not exactly to be strong but not to be and feel weak. I can't recollect any incident where I have been picked on or bullied to feel that way, but somehow it was always on the back of the mind that I shouldn't be or become weak. Over years, the sports came down but was replaced by gym, yoga, etc .

After my stroke, there were many many things to deal with but this was a significant one first up - to feel weak. To accept I am weak. Lying in bed not able to move a finger ...

I was thinking about this a lot after, what is strength? 

 I am very sure there are many definitions and everyone will also have their own - this is what I thought (and feel I think)🙂

There are 3 categories of strength (I am sure there are many more but I could primarily think of these)

1. Physical Strength 
2. Mental strength 
3. Emotional strength 

Two actually I think. I have mentioned 2 & 3 separately as most of the time most folks refer to them separately.

I think emotions are only bodily reactions and feelings as a consequence of thoughts. They definitely are real and can be felt differently - but I think they are a consequence and not cause. The thoughts cause bodily reactions which are longer lasting as well.. 

Physical strength everyone knows and understands. There are many many ways of measuring it also. Guinness Book itself might have hundreds of records in different categories. 

What are the other two. We all use it regularly in various conversations and contexts, sometimes interchangeably... but what do they mean?

In my view, mental strength is ones ability to withstand favourable and adverse situations in the same stead. To be able to withstand and endure a diverse set of circumstances to self. 

Emotional strength is kinda super set of what happens to self and also ability to withstand the ups and downs for their close ones (both friends and family). I think folks usually might also have more empathy and sensitivity to others feelings when they are mentally (and emotionally) strong. Again as a consequence... 

Measure for physical strength is available to us in many many ways.

But we don't have a measure for the other two.. 

Physical strength peaks around 3rd or 4th decade (can be exceptions, but typically...)

Mental and emotional strength goes all the way to the grave. Infact, that is what is needed in the middle to sunset years of life, to deal with life.

There are many many options like gym, aerobics, yoga-asanas and various regimes available for developing and improving physical strength.

However not many tools available for increasing other two. Sure there is a one size fits all in meditation. But I don't know other things.

I think it is necessary to invest in the other two as well. Kind of like a balanced portfolio with financial investments.
Do we have our strength portfolio balanced for our age...? 


  1. There are tools and many books written for mental strength, and they go by names like mindfulness, meditation etc. But it's hard to sift out the snake oil from the really useful ones. And it's also a personal journey. In one sense this blog is a way of building that mental muscle, so you have something already tbh.

  2. Agree KD, very hard to find effective tools. I wish somebody focussed on this aspect also along with pure knowledge in education


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