20221129 : inflation

I keep hearing the word "inflation" a hundred times everyday.. 

what is it?

A meal has the same value it did last year, as now, as next year. A meal is an example, but everything in the world I think - nothing changes in value.

Yes it costed less last year, costing something now and very very likely it will cost more next year.

What is really happening is that the meal is not changing value (and becoming expensive), instead money is losing value and a meal is becoming expensive...

The truth is the value of goods change. But I feel the intrinsic change of value is very minimal compared to increase in value because of price increase due to drop in money value.

I know - there are probably tons and tons written about this and millions of books, but "inflation" is something I struggle to get my head around.

Why do we have inflation? Why is money losing value?

I am not very sure about this, but feel the main reason is because we have printed so much of it. I mean - anybody knows , having more of something will automatically reduce its worth. Why would it be different for money. Need more money -just print it (we don't even have to print it anymore, just add it in financial databases!)

In simplistic terms, my understanding is that we are not creating money, we are borrowing it. Borrowing it from whom? Again very simply, my understanding is it it being borrowed from future generations. All this "black magic" I have not fully understood and is a whole science I am sure.

For a moment, let us assume it is not possible to make more money. Having a gold standard may have been very close but even with that, you could create more money if you mined more gold. 

Imagine a complete freeze. All the countries came together and agreed to make no more money! 

What would happen?

The population is increasing and so called middle class is growing. So demand for everything will grow...
But money is fixed. There is no more to go around. It has to get spread thinner..

So folks can't pay more for things. Things have to be priced lesser if people have to buy.

What does that mean...?

Will goods be priced lesser next year than now? Will money be able to purchase more next year? Will it become more valuable over time to encourage saving it instead of spending.? Isn't that how it should be - what I earned today becomes more valuable over time. 

So what is inflation! Is it just an automatically created problem by us for us? Why do we need it? Why do we live with it?

Aaarghhh! I just can't get my head around "inflation"!


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