20221119 : disadvantage - advantage...

I usually get a better than average service/ experience on chat support, when I reach out for support on various platforms.

I usually also get a reasonably warm response when I reach out to someone (completely unknown) , regarding anything.

It is not like it used to be unpleasant earlier. It is not overt or evident, but I can sense the difference in treatment from earlier to now. The warmth can be felt.

Usually when I interact with someone, I don't tell them my condition. It is a "sorry" card I possess with me. An ace up my sleeve.

When I see the need for it, I play the sorry card. After that, I am usually guaranteed a win... Or genuine attempt by whoever to help. 

I have often wondered if I am manipulative. I agree, I walk very much in the grey area with this, but I can confidently say I have not said anything untrue till now. I choose to reveal the information if needed - knowing fully well it usually disarms the opponent. 

Basically I know I am severely disabled. But I am trying to convert my disadvantage into an advantage at the game of life and explore how to use it. It's not exactly the same, but similar to having a disabled tag on the car dash. No matter how much the parking is crowded, we are usually assured a empty parking spot close to the door!

This is only physical. There are many many more things. A simple Ex.: when I was ok, I used to be so busy and occupied with things, when I wanted to get 1hr of "my time" to watch something I wanted to watch and understand - it would be a distant dream! My "to be watched" list was ever growing. Now, the advantage I have is I can make that time easily and watch things when I want to and understand things better and run with lesser assumptions.

Another example is: when I was ok, my life was busy and hectic. There was a lot of action and very less time to think through before acting. Now I have that luxury and advantage. I can get things done far more effectively. Don't mistake me, I have not become a better thinker or claim to be able to think better than others. I just have the luxury to think more than most. And that is an advantage...

What is our disability? 
Is it the disadvantage in it?
What is the advantage I get in it? Can I leverage this advantage to my benefit, without causing a disadvantage to others?

What are the disadvantages and disabilities we are all living with, without realising and unearthing the advantages hidden in them.... 


  1. So True Sree, there are various kind of richness we all have , some are Money Rich or Time Rich or Friends Rich or Skill Rich and many have various combination of richness and each of them have its own advantages.. and its all is in the brain which thinks and makes us access and decide on way fwd..

  2. Hey Sree, that is so true. So many times we use our disadvantage to our advantage, and like you rightly said, as long as it doesn't cause disadvantage to others, why not? There are so many thoughts that cross my mind at this time. The whole D&I movement in companies is an example of how a person whose race, color, ethnicity, disabilities etc were a huge disadvantage for them in progressing in their work, have now become the trump cards. And why not? Why shy away from any of the above mentioned tags as long as it doesn't become the only identity of the person.
    Keep writing Sree! :-)

  3. Deepa Prabhath28/11/22 01:36

    I was not able to change my name in the previous comment, Sree. First Time Blogger in the previous comment is me, Deepa.

  4. Ah, ok! Nice to hear from you Deepa. 👍🏼

  5. Nice to hear from you Bhatti! 👍🏼


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