20221015 : sculpture

The sculptor received a big stone one morning. An absolutely big and lump of rock. "You can make anything you want with it" was told.

The plan was very good. Anything could be carved out of it. A very clear image came to the mind and set to work. Chipping away at it piece by piece.

At nightfall, it was time to retire. So sleep set. When dawn came, a very surprising thing happened. The sculptor did not wake up at the same place...

Instead, a different sculptor woke up in this place - staring at the stone. Except, this had a few chips taken out here and there. "You can make anything you want with it" was told as usual.

What was the plan here? There were a few bits gone, but it was not clear what it was supposed to become. A beast, an animal,, a human, some other material, a statue of something, etc.

Nonetheless, there were a few bits done - it was a very huge stone, it didn't matter.

So a new plan was envisioned and set to work. Chipping away bit by bit.

Nightfall came, same thing happened. Another new sculptor with the same instructions.

So every new person inherited work done from yesterday - except, no handover. The have to envision something, constrained by what has already been done, but no constraints what to do next..

They have been at it for over 3½ years now. Still don't know what sculpture will eventually emerge.

The only thing we know is that if they don't chip away everyday - nothing will emerge...


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