20221009 : productivity...

It has been a while since I have written anything. I wish it was just laziness to put it down my thoughts. Unfortunately, I have had no thoughts which I have found worthy of sharing...

Getting through the day was getting hard - with not much to do. So, sometime back, I decided to fill it up. With anything I could do. Purposeful, not useful, whatever. Only 3 criteria:

1. It has to keep me involved/ absorbed and not be boring.

2. No social media

3. No games (except for 1 game of wordle a day - I am already addicted to it. It's not a new addition)

So, I have succeeded. I don't leave much time to do anything else. To do nothing (except the regular therapy stuff). I am not even able to watch 1 episode of anything on TV as well. The news just keeps screaming at me almost all day.

A good consequence of that was that I was forced to use the laptop for a couple of hours everyday. (It's simply impossible to deal with large spreadsheets on the phone).

I finally realised the power of "sticky keys" under accessibility settings. I have a windows laptop and try doing ctrl+alt+del with only one hand and not-so-flexible fingers 😂

Unfortunately, I also made my daughters experts in Solitaire 😂
(That was the other exception I had to make for my rules - its very strenuous to stare at data for long and had to do something else every so often to release the tension in my eyes).

> 90% of everything I pull off is on the phone. It's truly marvellous that we have brought technology and the power to do anything, anytime to our fingertips.

And this is without the addiction to social media and serious gaming!

The thing is, I managed to fully fill up my day and leave no free time to think. It worked ok, I am definitely getting more things done. But I also am missing giving myself time to think, to question things, to introspect, to think through things deeply and thoroughly, etc. To have my bearings right if you will...

Is that what we have achieved for humanity, in the name of productivity...


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