20220801 : Choices

I feel this is a chicken and egg problem we are all facing. A spiral or getting everything getting harder and harder because of choice.

Older generations didn't have much, they surely wanted more choices but they had a limited few. At the same time, the limited boundaries of choices I feel held them in a more favourable range of satisfaction/ contentment/ acceptance/ etc.

As we have progressed in generations, technologies and developments have afforded us more choices in everything. At the same time I feel it has led to dissatisfaction/ non-acceptance/ discontentment/ etc.

It is as if peace of mind is inversely proportional to the amount of choices anyone has...


  1. Deepa Madhukar1/8/22 09:51

    Agree Sreekanth, that is why if you see, people back then we're more content in life. Unlike this generation where people always look for more and end up wi to h lesser peace of mind and more of confusions.

  2. Jayanth Munipalli1/8/22 10:35

    It’s also maybe how we are all wired growing up.. a need to constantly ‘progress’ or ‘do better’ than previous generations. And as newer generations have lesser patience or attention span (that you highlighted well in your last blog), we need quick wins (or material choices) to comfort ourselves that we are advancing - which IMO drives an addiction to wanting more and corresponding despair if not achieved in a short span of time.

  3. Good to hear from you Deepa👍🏼

  4. Jayanth - I agree, the tendency is hard wired than a concious choice


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