20220709: brushing

For all my adult life (before the stroke) I was very pleased with how I had managed to maintain my teeth. I would brush for a considerable while everyday accessing nooks and corners. Needless to say, in a few days my brush would bloom like a flower (or become like a cactus - like they show in advertisements) .

I was tempted many times across the years to get a rotary electric toothbrush. But I, like a purist and their principles, would not succumb to such thoughts.

For 3½ years now I have not brushed my teeth. It is just cleaned by the nurses everyday by wiping with a gauze pieces, dabbed with mouthwash held by artery scissors. What they can clean is very limited as they can't reach much owing to my jaw.

Few days back, one of the nurses suggested I get an electric toothbrush so she can clean the front teeth better - as they were getting yellow!

I jumped at the request and got one immediately. Principles and all were out of the window!

We used it today.

The best part is that it can hold it with my left hand and brush my own teeth.

It's a feeling of satisfaction I can simply not convey/ express in words.

Who would have thought, something as simple as brushing teeth will give so much satisfaction... 


  1. Anonymous10/7/22 23:24

    Wonderful! Happy to know the progress!!


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