20220630: Uselessness...

I have been in this state for 3+ years now. I have been unable to do much , but try to overcome the feeling of uselessness by doing something or the other, what I am able to, using the phone and online. It is probably superficial but helps to a certain extent to get over the feeling.

However, the really low points I feel is when someone else in the house falls ill. Ith inability to do anything to give care, comfort and help in any way is an absolutely useless, helpless and hopeless feeling...


  1. Anonymous4/7/22 13:17

    Hey man,

    Hang in there.

    Sometimes, the light at the end of the tunnel may be you.

    Perhaps somebody reading your story might find inspiration for their own situation.

    I love how authentic your blog is.
    I appreciate how raw your thoughts are.
    You are offering a whole new perspective to the world.

    Why did this happen to you?
    Is there a reason?
    Or is it just pure randomness?
    Will it make sense in the end?

    None of this matters. What matters is to simply reach for the better feeling thought in this instant. Unlike animals we have a choice to interpret every situation. This is our last freedom. To look at something and view it as beautiful or ugly. To see something and say it's a blessing or declare it a curse.

    We have a choice.

    With lots of love to you. Keep posting. You never know who you may be helping with your perspectives.

  2. Unknown - thank you for your comments. Who is this?

  3. Anonymous5/7/22 16:09

    I'm the secret Santa that adores you and looks forward to the day that you inspire millions with your recovery :)

  4. Dear Santa,
    If you want my body to recover, I think it will be many Christmas seasons that will go by. No guarantee it will get fully rehabilitated anyway. If you want my mind to recover, it has made a full recovery (I think so atleast). So might as well let me know


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