20220621 : priviledge

I have a temporary nurse currently. My usual nurse is on leave for a few days.

Today the temp nurse got a call from the agency confirming her next duty. She looked a bit tensed after the call. So I asked (with my usual indication) as to what happened.

She told me her next duty will be for a 1 year old. The baby is still in hospital and will come home in the next couple of days.

I don't know what happened to him (or her - I don't know), but he has a trachiostomy (tube in the throat for breathing) and I am guessing a tube for feeding as well. She has worked with adults with these tubes but an infant is a very different ball game.

I have had a tracheostomy for a while. It was a horrible experience. I still have a tube for feeding. It doesn't bother me much now as it is direct to the stomach. I don't know if they do a peg to small infants. It will likely be a tube running from the nose through the throat all the way to the stomach for feeds. I have had that too - for about 8 months initially. Its equally horrible and even more uncomfortable.

The privilege I have is that I know what it all is, why it is there and other details. But a 1 year old! How unthinkable.

I feel bad when I can't walk - he has probably not even walked properly yet.
I feel bad that I cannot speak - he probably has not even spoken properly yet.
I feel bad that I am unable to eat things - he probably has never eaten anything properly yet.
I feel bad that I am bed ridden and have to depend on others for all my hygiene needs - he probably has not known anything else.
I can understand, think and express myself - he has definitely not even started to think properly and understand anything - forget expressing it!

I wonder how he will develop thinking - when he is observing everyone else doing things easily which he is unable to do...

This case came to my awareness by chance that's all. I am sure there are tons of kids suffering miserably without being able to do stuff or express it all the time.

I am privileged to be able to do what I am able to do.

I have to remind myself often that I am indeed privileged to be able to use some faculty, to be grateful for it, to use it well - and not abuse it. To stop complaining to myself every now and then....


  1. Anonymous22/6/22 05:16

    Sreekanth bhai...such nice thoughts...really amazing...u r right..we should really be counting what we have, as our blessings than complaining what we dont have..

  2. Anonymous22/6/22 05:17

    Sorry forgot to mention..It was me Chand reading and commenting on ur blog..I am a regular reader now..:-)

  3. Anonymous23/6/22 04:32

    So good to read your blogs. This article is so well written and thought provoking. To be grateful and aware of the privileges we have, will make life so much happier and peaceful.

  4. Very nice to hear from you Kavya! Thank you.

  5. Anonymous24/6/22 06:20

    I read your posts regularly. Keep it coming! Well done. Kaushik

  6. Kaushik: thank you very much. Which kaushik though? Know a few 🙂

  7. Anonymous28/6/22 10:18

    hi Shreekanth, I am Prachi, probably you don’t know me , but I came to know you through Chitra who is a dear friend; it’s wonderful to read your thoughts n blogs and I often just pop in to read your blog; it helps me think and develop new perspectives; I often feel we the so called able bodied people live our lives in so much of hurry , a constant motion and action, we have forgotten to see and hear the little things, the microcosm; your thoughts so beautifully brings the lense to the microcosm; keep writing ; I hope to meet you sometime soon!

  8. Hi Prachi. Nice to hear from you. Yes - I have heard about you from Chitra.
    Wasn't aware you read the blog/ thoughts. Good to know. Thank you.
    Look forward also to meet you sometime.

  9. Anonymous6/7/22 20:41

    Great thoughts Sreekanth!! So true that we often forget what we have and worry too much about what we don’t. - Prabhu

  10. Prabhu - thank you. Good to hear from you


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