20220616 : perception & realities

I was recently in the middle of a conversation/ discussion/ debate.

The key point was many if the well known books by well regarded people/ gurus/ wise folks whatever you wish to know them as.

The point was - most of the time (generally speaking), these books are very wise, practical, informative for upwards of 90% of the book and there is usually about 10% of the content which is leaning towards miracles/ fantastical stuff/ unbelievable things. For rational and practical thinkers, this 10% is hard to digest and invariably the whole book (although most of it is very good) gets discredited because of this 10%.

Why do wise folks include this content and lose the rational followers?

The counter argument was very simple - folks who experienced these things and write about it don't really care wether some folk believe it or not. It is real/ true as far as they are concerned.

The discussion went all over the place from senses, perception, meditation, siddis, chakras, etc. It was an interesting discussion.

Sometime back I had shared something about what I thought about senese/ perception/ shared reality and exclusive reality of individuals.

I was thinking further on this lines. Probably an extension of these thoughts I guess.

It needs a belief that we have all got 5 senses that we perceive things commonly, but it also requires a belief that we also have a bunch of other senses which are dormant and few folks (however), have "awakened" few of these extra senses. Since the senses are mainly used by the mind to perceive things - it is natural that those folks with extra senses can perceive more things in the world/ around them.

The example is - let us say there are 3 people , common people (muggles 🙂) with the usual 5 senses around a table looking at a empty glass. There is bound to be consensus that it is a simple empty glass.

Now if we seat 2 more people who have a common 6th sense awakened, they might see the glass but might see something that is contained in the same glass. The first 3 folks will obviously think that the other 2 folks are mad. Af far as the 2 are concerned - it's right there for you to see - if you can see it.

Now if we seat another person with 7 senses awakened. Maybe they will see not just the contents of the glass but somebody or something holding the glass as well.

As far as the first 3 are concerned, this person is even madder.
But the other 2 - although they can't see it, will be open to the possibility that there might be something else and they can't yet see it.

I think it is a foolish thing to expect consensus between the groups of people.

Everything might be in front of us. Can we perceive them ...


  1. The 2 who see atleast should be able to explain why the 3 can’t see… then there is a rational to that..

    2 change the words a bit.
    2 see the truth
    3 see the false
    2 who see the truth should be able to explain why the 3 see the false.. what is the hindrance to see the truth. This explaination should be rational/logical to the level 3 can see.. 3 might still not see their truth but atleast should understand the falseness so that they can work at seeing the truth.

  2. Madhukar - I don't think the 3 will understand anyway - because as far as they are concerned they are seeing the whole truth and everyone is is saying gibberish


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