20220615 : time

I was seeing something on TV today. Something very simple. What is "time" 🙂

Apart from the physics of scientists which I completely understood 🙂, I started thinking.

How does the body keep time? Not the short term duration - that is probably a complex mechanism of sun, moon, planets etc (both optical influence and gravitational).

I wonder about the long term. How does it know that it should start to let go at some time?

Yes, there are theories and scientific information about cells dying, the organs becoming weak etc. But all of them have to know it is time right? They are all probably chemical messages and hormones, but what tells the glands that it is time?

Not just us, every single creature comes with this timer. Might not be the same for everyone in the species, but a range nevertheless for everyone.

How does it know it is time?


  1. I thought it is more like expiry date we come with. I.e we are born with certain material formation and based on genes goes through the growth. And based on the natural wear and tear the body goes through it expires at its time. The amount of activity, wear and tear defines the end time of body expires..

    As I write this, I am not sure how the growth stops.. what is the indicator? Genes probably has some concept of time in it..

  2. Madhukar: exactly, to comply with expiry date, it has to know the date no? Wear and tear - happens all the time, the organs regenerate cells and replenish. At some stage it stops.why?

  3. Yeah.. genes can be a factor in growth stopping in teens, harmonal changes.. but death itself it can’t be a factor probably.. probably Hindu explanation has some truth in it. I.e. consciousness (Brahman, atman) which is life itself the way I understand..

    I don’t think we can stop breathing, stop heart beat voluntarily anyways… so death is out of my control anyways.. magical consciousness is what we are left I guess..

  4. interesting post as usual.

    My take: I think its like an engine that runs out of fuel. Each organism or cell that dies, does so because it "ran out of fuel". We as sentient beings who sense time ascribe sentience to the organism or cell we observe. But imagine a 5D being for whom all of time is a vast canvas of snapshots of our lives. Wouldn't it be obvious to them that whatever was the "fuel" - life force/food/you name it - stopped being available and so did the organism.

    Of course this begets the question: who sets the amount of fuel, or how does the organism know how much is enough :)? This IMO is where I start having issues with evolution because my layman's gut says that we cannot possibly be the result of a 1000 billion experiments gone just right so that, for example, the hair on our head grows but the hair on our eyebrows stop after some time. A myriad similar intelligent choices that abound in our bodies need to have happened for us (and the wonderful world of flora and fauna) to come to existence.

    Does make you think!

  5. Madhukar - yes something has to have a timer , either the body or the conciousness

  6. KD - from what I understand, every cell in the body dies but gets replenished shortly after. So might not be fuel but something which tells them to stop that replenishment process.

    Yes, I suspect the same, that it is very hard to subscribe to the thinking that everything around got this perfect by a series of chance with evolution


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