20220603 : laser show

I will be going for a laser show tomorrow. I don't know if I can see it though! The venue is my throat.

I was hoping to see it. It is an endoscopic procedure. They will definitely have a camera in the throat. I was hoping, with some luck, the screen would be visible and I can enjoy the show.

I have made a bigger draw instead.

They have asked me to be on a empty stomach from tonight. They only do that for administering general anesthesia.

I was almost forgetting and missing the lovely feeling of going under. Looking forward to that feeling again.

Although there is some nervousness. The last time they put me under and did an endoscopic procedure, I woke up with a tooth missing! I hope everything will be intact tomorrow.

The procedure for the throat - I don't know much about. I have been tempted several times to ask dr. Google and find out more about it. I have somehow and surprisingly managed not to.

I know what they are trying to do though..

Over a very long time, since I have had nothing orally, the opening of the oesophagus (the sphincter muscles) have spasm-ed and don't open anymore. Things that go down from the oral cavity (mouth) have nowhere to go - and the trachea (wind pipe) is welcoming and open.

So the laser works is to loosen the sphincter and loosen the oesophagus opening.

My analysis is it is a neuromuscular issue that I am dealing with for swallowing.
The procedure tomorrow hopes to address the muscular part of the issue. Loosen the muscle and aid movement.

The neuro part of the problem remains. Somebody has to give instructions and coordinate the swallowing muscle movement. That is done by the brain stem for everyone. That's where I had the stroke. That's the part of the super chip that is fried the most!

The only way is to continue to keep trying wrong swallowing - send everything everytime down the wind pipe, cough and struggle everyday everytime. 

The hope is that the brain will do it's neuroplastic magic, through trial and error, will find its way by eliminating all wrong attempts because of the struggle it causes and settles down on the path which gives least struggle.

Hopefully it will find the path soon...


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