20220416 : catching up...

This evening was very nice.

We had a few very good friends come home and spend the evening with us.

We spent a few years together overseas almost 1.5 - 2 decades ago. We would meet almost everyday and catch up often. It was good old times.

Afterwards, we have been close and very much in touch with each other, but life has happened. Everyone is somewhere doing something.

This evening was lovely to catch up as a group and talk about old times and recollecting stories.

It was a very strange feeling. Since I can't speak and was not actively participating, it was like I was watching and reliving those days/ times.

I was only reminded of the current times when one of the daughters interrupted.

I was not wanting it to get over. Unfortunately it was 9pm and time to go into my room. It is the time that reality hits me and I am back to me bedridden self.

I could have stayed longer. Nobody asked me to get in. I can physically sit for longer.

But every activity (clean, bath, change, feed, nebulisations, etc) will just get cascaded delayed. Also, dinner for the nurses will get delayed and they will have to be up after 12 for the last feed.

It was anyway dinner time for everyone and I have nothing to do except make everyone feel bad maybe.

Anyway what was I doing delaying and avoiding the reality. It won't change the reality that is.

But it was a very lovely evening indeed...


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