20220406 : update - crowdfunding

Well, I promised to let you know how it ended...

For the past ~2 weeks, I have been doing back and forth on email and WhatsApp with the crowdfunding platform.

I have interacted with many folks from many groups - campaign manager to generic support to escalated support to review team and every other nonsense team.

The first thing each time is "please send us a selfie video explaining the campaign holding your aadhar card".

I wonder if anyone had read the campaign ask!

I have to start each time saying this is my condition, blah blah blah.. i can't take a video.. blah blah blah..

That's when they would not know what to do and pass me to someone else.

Anyway, the last but 1 interaction was a little encouraging.

They said, if I can't speak, get a friend or relative to do the video and explain the campaign with both our aadhar cards.

I said what is the use of someone parroting the words which I give.

Anyway , I said ok and I needed a few days to coax someone.

I was contemplating whom to tie the bell to.

I received another mail today asking for the bank account details of the vendor who will give the TV so that they can directly transfer the amount if the campaign is approved.

For a moment I contemplated how to get Jeff Bezos 's details 😂

I realised this would go nowhere.

So I wrote to them asking to cancel the campaign and give me proof that they will refund the monies to the donors.

I think I heard a big sigh of relief from that side.

In 5 minutes they closed the campaign.

I got a mail saying the campaign was cancelled. Reason: "campaign cancelled on request by the campaign owner".

I got 2 mails saying the amount is refunded and will be credited in 5-7 business days,

Now, the email means nothing to me, I have written again asked for material stuff.... Silence still.

Now since the donors were anonymous, I have no way to follow up and confirm.

If in case any of you know the donor, please let them know and let me know if they did not receive the money in a week.

I have the TV - the make and model i had written about in my campaign. Couldn't wait for this circus to unfold. I would have gone mad waiting for this to get over.

Towards the end, because of so much circus, I was actually feeling like I earned it. Deserved it also maybe!

How arrogant the mind can get in a short while....


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