20220318 : thermometer

It was quite warm today.

It's getting to end of March and summer well and truly has set in. 

I don't know what everyone is fighting about with global temperature rise to be kept below 1.5⁰c. it feels like a lot more than that already.

I usually sit out on the wheelchair in the family room at 4:00pm. We have a pedestal fan near where I sit and by the time I get there, someone would have already switched it on.

Today, it was not switched on. The usual breeze was missing. There was no natural breeze either. Normally, there is a good breeze from the balcony owing to the height we are in. Today it was very still.

I remember when I was in the hospital 3 years ago. Everyone was so troubled by the heat when I was not feeling anything...

Wait a minute.

It was warm today!

That means the bulb of my thermometer - which was blown, is slowly getting fixed. New mercury is being replenished!


Now I know its going to be gradual and very slow. But the needle has started to move.

3 years! I think I recently wrote about waiting...

I don't know when it will become ok.

Come to think of it. I don't think there is any way of knowing.

I know that I feel some warmth. But how much?

Every sensory perception, is assumed same and absolute only by consensus.

There have been several instances where several of us are in the same room and few will be feeling the AC is too cold and fine for others.

Same absolute temperature.

But how everyone feels on the skin, how it gets perceived by the brain and how it gets interpreted by the mind is totally unique for everyone.

No absolutes there.,.

Same applies for every perception. We just agree wit no way of really knowing what each other really perceives.

Come to think of it, I think the only thing that we easily agree to disagree is sounds.

You and I can look at the same thing and it is ok to call it by different sounds.

We just say we are speaking different languages...


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