20220202: conversation

This need belief in God and rebirth. But if true, it's funny 😂

Almighty: "Ah welcome".

Me: "Nice place. A little too white for my liking".

Almighty: "What took you so long? You were scheduled to arrive long back."

Me: "I am sorry. I had everything organized back then. Last minute glitch in plans. I couldn't free myself in time. I have been trapped since. Very painful and long years".

Almighty: "Well, better late than never I guess."

Me: "Yup. That's all that matters. So what's the next assignment?"

Almighty: "Nothing."

Me: "what do you mean?"

Almighty: "Well, my records say you have completed the 1,000,000 lives and there are no more assignments."

Me: "But, but, I am cheated. I didn't have a full life. I want to go back and have a full and complete time."

Almighty: "Well, this one was full and complete long time back. I don't know what you were doing hanging around there. It's not like you were doing anything. Besides this is just the 1. There have been 999,999 lives earlier which have been full by that yardstick.

Me: "I miss it already. Can you please take me to the edge and push me down?

Almighty: "What makes you think that we are Up?"

Me: "Wait. We're not up here?"

Almighty: "well, Yes and no. It's a bit more complicated than that."

Me: "That's interesting. What is next if not going back?"

Almighty: "I don't know. You have to decide where you want to go."

Me: "Really. How do I decide?"

Almighty: "Timely today. We have quite a few open house's this afternoon. Have a look and make a good offer...."


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