20220227 : spine...

I remember seeing a visual several years ago on one of the nature channels...

It involved a lion attacking a sort of some kind of a wild buffalo.

Usually it is a foregone conclusion.

In this instance though, the buffalo stood ground and fought back. Sure it has no claws and canines, but it had strong horns.

Seeing it fight back, few others grew b***s. Always used to seeing every other buffalo running away, took note of this unexpected behaviour, turned around and joined in taking a poke at the lion.

Eventually the lion gave up and the buffalo survived.

The lion in this case was perplexed. It expected the buffalo to run - to be an easy game.

The buffalo, as it had several generations of behaviour had to run.

But it didn't, and lived!

It probably takes a spine of 1 in a few billion to do that and change the course of what can be called fate...


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