20220214 : Valentine's day

Today is Valentine's day.

A good day to talk about the heart. 

Something I learnt recently. The head is not the only organ in the body that has a brain - strictly speaking, "thinking" assumed to be attributed to neurons.

Turns out there are nurons in the heart as well. About 40,000 of them.

There are no other organs in the body (that we know of yet) that have nurons.

Of course it may be incomparable to the brain - which has upwards of 100 billion of them.

But a nuron is a nuron. However many.

The heart and brain communicate all the time through the Vagus nerve; probably one of the most complicated of the nerves we have - as it controls very many major autonomous functions like heart function, lung function, digestion so on and so forth.

As with most other things, we don't know what the heart perceives or tells the brain.

But it has been shown in studies, when we experience feelings of love, compassion, etc., the Vagus nerve lights up.

So the next time you say I did something because "I listened to my heart", it might not be just a metaphorical thing. You might actually be listening to your heart...


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