20220212 : blot...

I could wrong someone... and get away with it.

Could be very inconsequential. A small lie, a small inconvenience, a small something.... It might make no difference in the scheme of things...

Many times, there is a good reason. Many times that's what everybody does. Many a time, that's the social norm..

All the reasons and explanations stand good for others. But within, you know the reality, without explanations.

It's like a blot on the conscience. It might be a small blot, but a blot it is.
Over time it fades away too. But leaves it's very faint colour.

Like a white cloth washed with a drop of ink. Won't make much of a difference. 

But washing the same cloth repeatedly with a drop of ink of various types, will certainly change it's colour.

From bright white irreversibly to a pale unrecognisable colour...


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