20220211 : The Matrix...

The "Matrix" franchise has come out last year with their latest movie - 22 years after the first instalment in 1999.

I think there may have been books and similar themed movies earlier, but the matrix probably had the most mass audience impact.

It was probably the first mind-bending concept of people living in a made up world in their minds, while physicall living somewhere else.

22 years in a long time. There have been several other similarly themed ones after....

Why do we think so however?

While everything around us seems real enough, we do have a constant suspicion that we are in a made up world.

If so; who would make up the world for us? I mean, who is easy to speculate - has to be someone we can't understand/ comprehend - a God is the usual culprit.

But "why" though?

I can't think of anything worthwhile from these bodies (assuming the real physical body resembles this). It could be vastly different - I don't know. 🤷🏽‍♂️

I think we don't need any such created world (assuming it is a similar worthless body).

We don't need anything external for this.

We all have a connected set of minds. They are connected by common beliefs. Stronger the common belief, stronger the connection and a fertile ground for construction of further beliefs and make the connection stronger.

Ex, food is a real need. But the various facets of food industry is made up stuff.

Shelter is real, but the housing industries and markets are made up.

Loke that, we have weaved various real things with created realities and we comfortably subscribe to both.

Advancements in various technologies has enabled creating more and more such created worlds and living in them.

It is a self perpetuating and self sustaining world.

Eventually we will most probably be living in a completely created world.

The "why" question remains though.

Why are we doing to ourselves what we are doing?


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