20220205 : real estate value

I was watching something last night regarding most the expensive places.
I gather the most expensive real estate currently is in Hongkong per sqft.

Couple of days back, I had an opthalmologist and 2 other optometrists at home checking my vision and the corrections needed in glasses.

After a lot of checking (and my amazing ability to convey 😂), it was established what the power had to be. It was also established that I needed reading glasses.

So the options were :
1. Two seperate glasses - for TV and for reading (phone)
2. Bifocals
3. Progressive lenses

Progressive takes time to get used to, same with bifocals - plus it's irritating with 2 lenses and the boundary seperating them.

So they suggested I go for the option of two separate glasses.

I said "no"..

They were telling me why it might be better, all very valid and logical reasons.

 I was continuing to indicate "no".

They must have concluded that I am insane or stubborn as a donkey not to heed to logical advice.

But how to let them know - the problem is not about the suggestion and reasons.

The problem is the value of real estate.

The most valuable piece of real estate for me right now is the 1 square foot space next to my hip on the left side of the bed.

That is the only area I can keep anything and reach it with my left hand. That space is already occupied by my bell, the TV remote and the phone (when not on my thigh). And during times - eg, nebulization; I already have to take out and keep this pair of glasses in that already crowded space....

There is very little space for anything else - let alone something that could fall off the bed and break.

If I had a lot of money, I would first invest it to increase my access by even a square inch there! 

So, for me, Hongkong would be a distant second...

It does reflect to me what has value in our lives. Not just real estate but any kind of stuff.

It is good to reflect regularly - are we paying the proportionate price for stuff which hold real value in our lives....


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