20220201 : Body, brain, mind, etc

On some occasions, I have referred to body, brain, mind etc., and sometimes in 3rd person. Some of you have remarked what it means. So I am trying to clarify. Hopefully it will make sense.

Disclaimer: these are my thoughts and only my blah blah blah...

That's true but not entirely true.

I watch stuff all the time from philosophers, spiritual folks, science stuff, medical stuff, modern thinkers, etc. 
I will be lying through my teeth if I claimed independent and uninfluenced thoughts. I just don't know how much is my own and who has influenced what.
I can only say, if it resembles somebody else's views - it probably is. So assume it is that person saying it; in my words (hopefully that is not plagiarised too).

The way I have experienced these, I think we have the following entities: mind, physical body, energy body, brain, feelings/ emotions.

Why I look at them as separate things, is because one triggers the other and can almost be viewed as master - slave relationship.

The physical body we can feel and it's there - very evident to see.

The energy body  is there - simply because every atom is mostly energy. Beyond that, I have no argument, etc. But there is a whole world of science and practices around it. So I will leave it at that.

The brain exists and is also part of the physical body. But is probably a different faculty. We know it, but we don't know fully how it works. The body is it's slave. Everything of the body (including the head) is fully controlled by the brain.

The mind exists - the "I think so I am" bit. It's abstract and not physical. I guess everyone has a mind too. The mind most likely resides in the head but might also be spread all over, i don't know.

All of us feel different emotions. I think it is also triggered by thoughts (mind stuff). Although feelings or emotions are chemically induced all over by the body by hormones, the brain  ultimately controls it.

The tricky thing is, we have access to the body. We also have access to the mind (we can control how and what to think), but we don't have access to the brain and it's workings - although we know it is there physically. Bit of a black box that one - especially the automatic/ autonomous workings, which is probably upwards of 95% of what it does.

The last bit, which is the master of the mind is the 'self' also referred to as soul, ego, I, etc.
I am just vomiting out this bit - I honestly have no clue and have not really experienced it.
You can call it anything you like.

I do think this entity exists however - as we do we sometimes tell the mind not to go one way or to go one way???

So there.... 


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