20220125 : synthetic womb

I was seeing something on news yesterday. I was taken aback. 
Did some digging and found more videos and materials

They are working on creating a synthetic womb!

Basically want to have a full fledged environment that can help develop the foetus.

It is meant to give freedom of choice, women, can choose health, career, etc. and equality in all areas.

There are many groups and prominent individuals in favour of the initiative and backing it.

I frankly don't know if they will be successful with achieving it. But I won't be surprised if they do as well..

Bearing a child I am sure is not easy. The trouble, the discomfort, the pain, etc. I just cannot fathom it.

But isn't that the point? I as a male, will never be able to fathom it. 

Isn't that the 1 thing that nature has bestowed upon women to set them apart (elevated in my opinion)?

Sure the society is not very accommodating today, but instead of trying to work on the society, we want to change the woman to accommodate the broken society.

In most other things - like equality in education, equality in franchise, equality at work, etc, it is trying to get a "step up" to become equal. Doesn't this feel like a "step down" in getting towards equality?

Don't get me wrong. I certainly understand individual choice. There are many circumstances when a woman chooses to not carry or cannot carry. But why is a choice for the human being pursued as a choice for humanity?

If they do succeed, it will undoubtedly become fashionable as it is bound to be convenient.

I am guessing the "use it or lose it" works for humans and humanity too.

If this is indeed sucessful, I am guessing the next step is working on something like a growth hormone so the foetus becomes a baby sooner.

The world will surely miss the saying "it takes 9 months to make a baby"...


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