20220107 : thinking vs feeling

Most of the time, when we have to make a decision/ choice, we do a quick mental calculation. Different parameters are taken into account, weightage assigned and a weighted score is calculated to help us make the decision.

Of course none of it is done mathematically, but that is basically what happens in various other terms in the mind. If we interrogate the mind later - the constituents will come out.

But sometimes, against this mental mathematics, we want to do something else.

We often say we listened to the heart or the gut or plainly - "it just feels right"

What is this "feeling"?

I think it has nothing to do with the "heart" or "gut" or any other organs. They don't speak to us.

I think it is our subconscious mind telling our consciousness mind what to do. Very likely, it is doing a similar computation taking into factor many earlier experiences and other's experiences, etc.

Since we can't quiz the subconscious mind using our conscious mind, we pin it on the most convenient organ.

It's like decisions made by AI/algorithms. If we have confidence in the logic, we will know the decision is correct. Even if the constituent data and decisions are given, it is likely to be too much and too complex for us to understand. We just know it has to be right.

So next time some organ is trying to tell us something, it's probably worth heeding... 

Who knows, it might even be the subconscious showing us the part that will most likely bear the brunt of the decision if we don't listen to it...


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