20220102 : touch me not

You may have heard of the "touch-me-not" plant. It's fun to play with it.

I have recently discovered how the "touch-me-not" plant feels - well some of it.

If anyone tries to move my right leg or hand, it will stiffen up and resist it. The faster (rather more sudden) the movement, the harder it will tighten up and put up a fight.

Very hard to straighten the hand or fold the leg. They will be lying flaccid all the time. Makes me wonder where do the muscles get that strength from.

After a few seconds, it loosens. One has to move it slowly and gradually. Quick movements and it's back on it's guard.

Touch is also funny. If it is touched/ held firmly , it will accept. But a light touch - like a feather touch - it will shrivel and tighten up.

I know it is reflexes. The spine is doing it not the brain/ mind. It's like it has a will of its own.

Even though it is the spine, it really is the brain right. I mean, if we pull out the brain awhole, I am assuming the spinal chord will come out too. I am assuming it it still the brain just the elongated portion (like a comet and its tail).

In this case, a part of the brain is disconnected from the main thinking part, so it thinks autonomously.

Where it is connected, it listens to the mind (wait - is that why a dog wags its tail to reflect what it is feeling 🤔.)

For now, my body acts like a lizard's tail when cut off 😂...

The worst is the mouth. It's so funny when the nurses brush me/ give mouth care. Basically they take small pieces of sterile gauze, hold it with artery scissors (like tongs), dip it in a mix of salt and mouthwash and run it around the mouth scrubbing where they can reach.

I can't describe how the mouth reacts - it will make very funny movements and the face must be so funny to see.

They will be surprised/ shocked everyday and ask me if it is paining. I have to reassure them everyday it is not. It neither pains nor tickles. It's a very sensitive feeling that I find hard to describe.

The funniest is when they touch the tongue. It withdraws so immediately and the mouth shuts, I am sure it can give competition to a chameleon catching an insect or a Venus flytrap at its best...


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