20220102 : day out

I had a day out today. 

It had been a very long time since I had gone out like this. Most of my other outings have been short and they invariably end up with a real pain in the rear.

We went while it was bright and warm.

It was a new ride. Good thing my mom was not behind that wheel. I could sit on her and enjoy the view. I usually get very worked up on these trips. I was relaxed today.

2 of my favourite uncles had come along. One was behind the wheel - where my mom usually sits and the other one was behind somewhere.

 There was also that guy who is nice to me but doesn't talk to me or fuss with me like others do. There were also 2 other girls who are nice to me always - but I don't know who they are.

I was having a good time - Until my mom left me and went somewhere. That was a very anxious time. I was going nuts wondering where she went. She came back shortly and I was very relieved to see her.

We went on. We stopped a short while later at some place. Some guy came too close to the window for my comfort and I yelled at him. I don't know what happened, mom gave some papers and we went on.

Anyway, we came to some place. I was very glad to stretch my legs. And boy what a wonderful place it was. I have not seen so much open space. I could see so far. It was nice and warm too. Well I wasn't exactly fully free - Mom still had me tethered. But I felt really free - Running about everywhere - as much as possible. 

The ground was soft with so many new things to explore and sniff around. I was having a sensory overload.

That silent guy had brought that contraption on which he sits and gets taken around. He did not get around much. I didn't worry with what was happening there. I was too preoccupied with my own adventure.

I really wish my sisters had come here along with me today. It would have been so much fun with them running around with me. I don't know where they were.

Some guys came close again and and I gave them a piece of my mind. I think they got the message. They kept their distance.

I climbed up some stairs. I could get a good view from there. I haven't seen this far before. It was a great view.

I was parched due to so much anxiety and exploring around. Thankfully I got some water to drink. I was also offered some biscuits - but I was too excited for a bite.

Then the most magical thing happened. That really bright thing that I sometimes get to see on top - turned a bright orange and fell to the ground. It was far away, but it fell down and that was it. I have not seen something like that from home ever.

Anyway, it quickly became dark after and a bit chilly too.

We packed ourselves and started back. I had an absolutely thrilling feeling for some time. My mom had the window open for me and I could see everything unobstructed with the wind blowing on my face. It was an amazing feeling.

She closed the window after sometime and I was very tired anyway. I just sat and relaxed.

It took awfully longer to come back than when we went. But I can't describe the nice feeling to be back home.

I had the most exciting time out but I am also glad to be back home. Back in my territory - my kingdom, with my sisters.

I can guarantee you - I will sleep like a log tonight...


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