20211227 : marriage


This is a controversial note.

I am definitely neither for or against anything or anyone. I am not doing 'activism' on behalf of anyone either.

It is just a thought that came when I was watching something, so I put it down.

I apologise if any sentiment is offended for anyone.

For nature to propagate, Nature probably randomly created the female of the species.

And the male was needed (equally randomly I guess) to complete the job. 

Not "A" male but "Any" male.
Some males end up as a meal after..

So what is marriage?

I am guessing it is just an unwritten contact between two individuals driven by some sentiment towards each other.
If that sentiment ends, the contact is voided and marriage ends.

Very few other species experience that sentiment and stay together.

I am guessing, as bigger groups of individuals started staying together, these individual contracts morphed into social contracts.

As societies became large, the unwritten business was hard to uniformly interpret, so it was written down.

That became the Law of the land.

The flow was from individuals to society to Law. Not the other way around.

So I would assume, if the individuals are comfortable with each other (anybody), and groups of individuals as a society are comfortable, then it should naturally become the law no?

Why is it flowing backwards? Why is the law dictating things back to society and to individuals in many places?

Why is relationship/ marriage acceptable between some individuals and not others??

Also, another related thought:

The close relatives of each other's spouses, after marriage, they are referred to as F "in law", M "in law", so on...

I don't know what the laws state, but the tag subconsciously suggests, it is enforced by the law.

We know the subconscious influences everything we think and feel.

Will relationships get better if the "in law" tag is dropped or will it make no difference?


when two individuals marry, there is no blood relationship involved. (Doesn't mean that the sentiment is different or doesn't exist).

If they choose to have children, then the blood relationship emerges between them.

Is the "in law" tag even relevant after?...


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