20211225 : curve ball

I recently was chatting with someone and the saying "when you are given lemons, make lemonade" came up.

There are probably many similar meaning memes floating around somewhere in the net. 

It's nice , but a bit abstract to relate to for me.

From sometime back - I don't exactly know from when, I have developed a kind of Parallel approach. Similar - not same.

I can vouch for it though.

When life throws a curve ball (and it will),

And we don't know how to react to it yet,


It is best to laugh at it first. Laugh at the circumstances, laugh at yourself...

Most of the scenarios, resulting consequences, etc. play out only in the mind.

It takes some time for the dust to settle down, to be able to see the situation clearly and understand the real consequences, so that we can have a considered response after.

Meanwhile, we can amuse ourselves and be entertained ourselves at least...


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