20211224 : algorithms
I watch mostly news, TED talks, cooking videos on YouTube.
I watch action and thriller/suspense inclined movies on Netflix, Prime, Disney, etc.
I buy and browse certain types of things on Amazon, Myntra,etc
I don't go to other SM sites like FB, Insta, Twitter, TicToc etc., But I am fairly certain it is the same.
They all know me well enough to dish out a curated list of anything just for me..
If I could eat, by now they would know my likes, dislikes and dietary preferences better than me by now.
If I dare stray away, I am chaperoned back by Google.
And they are doing their best to help in a way, so as to navigate through the clutter and get to where I most likely will go anyway.
As this curation gets better, I get faster in doing what I want to do, quicker in making up my mind, smarter with what I know, etc.
The "algorithms" don't really know me. They are helping my mind focus on things quicker, better, smarter, etc.
Yual Noah Harrari predicts these algorithms to be the one of the next very big disruptors
They know who I am better than me.
But that is not who I want to remain.
I want to watch and know other interesting things. I want to watch other genres. I want to know more about other things I don't know of.
I don't want to become a specialist at anything.
I want to remain a Generalist forever.
So help me algorithms...
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