20211222 : time

Today was (is) my daughter's birthday. Had a good time this evening.

Was on the wheelchair for a long time, but it didn't feel like much and I hardly remembered the time.

Thinking of it, what is time?

Ya I know it's supposed to be relative, there is a scientific model, there is probably a mathematical formula describing it and so on..

But what is it really?
How does one imagine it?

When I think of it, I can only imagine it coming back to the clock or calendar.

The earth rotates once, it is 24hrs.
The moon goes around once, it's a fortnight.
The earth goes around once, the calendar turns a year.

Basically all cyclical events. Only a reference really. Not time itself.

Both the clock and calender are very recently man made. What did we think before that. What do all other species think even now? They don't know clocks and calendars...

I fall asleep and live a half day's worth of living, but it's only 5 minutes of REM by the clock when I sleep.

I get knocked out with general anesthesia and no time has passed. Yet, it can be hours by the clock.

If I am happy, it goes fast for me. If I am sad, it slows down - same duration on the clock.

So, what is "time". How do I imagine it? 


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