20211219 : Amazon shopping

Last night, my daughter (the younger one), sat next to me, took my phone and was helping herself on Amazon.

I am sure she has seen me and my wife on it many times to ape us.

But I was stumped by how comfortable she was with it without being taught formally.

Search terms were accurate - some of them I couldn't think of doing, adding to shopping list, moving to the cart, etc.

It must be a combination of intuitive interface and comfort with exploring things and learning.

I never succeed to get my father to use even WhatsApp. My mother, with her willingness to try, is still apprehensive of it.

What happens to us after a while. Even with willingness, the ability to explore and learn goes down or completely goes away...

Anyway, back to the main story..

After browsing around for a while, she moved 3 items to the cart and wanted me to buy them.

Before that, there was the "Buy Now" button which she very much wanted to hit, she asked me and decided against it.

Anyway, 3 items in the cart. She asked me if we could buy.

All silly, kiddish, bling things.

I said no (I wish I could give gyan on everything) - but I had to settle for a shake of the head it indicate 'no'.

She begged and pleaded and made puppy eyes etc. But was faced with the same 'head shake'.

After a while, I just said ok (a affirmative nod of course)

She assumed pressing the 'place order' button will do the trick. I could see the tension in her to press that button. I am assuming she is doing it for the first time.

Next came picking the address - which was ok.
Next came picking the payment method. She left it what was default. (UPI ) 
Next came the order review and confirmation - ok again.

Alas, next came the actual payment and pin for the same. That was something she hadn't anticipated.

I guess the assumption was clicking on the "order" button was it.

This was something I was unwilling to do.

She even opened the calculator app, added the 3 prices and tried to convince me it was 'only so much'.

She doesn't even know what money is. (Not what it really is - that even I don't know). Just the transactional stuff - how to get it, how to keep it, how to use it, etc.

When I was that age and was making demands, I was often told "where to get money from, we don't have a tree that grows money". I really imagined a tree with notes instead of leaves.

Sometime later, I was told we got a "money plant". I was so thrilled. It was the remedy for all the problems I was facing. 

I was later heartbroken to see the actual leaves not changing to anything!

What does one now say to the kids? The tree has withered. There are no more leaves...

 Anyway, I held fort. Didn't surrender. I felt bad, but held fort. After a while, she got bored, lifted siege, and went away...


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