20211219 : regrowing

As far as I know, the bits that we (humans) regenerate are hair, nails and skin. They are strictly not regeneration as its just replenishment of dead cells by more dead cells.

Some animals regenerate small and simple things like tails, etc.

The only animal (known to man), that regenerates and entire limb if severed, is the Salamander. Skin, Bones, muscles, nervous system, etc - the whole works.

A lot of research is being done with the salamander (for a very long time) to understand this. It hasn't gone far yet...

For something to grow, for the 1st time, every cell knows what to do because of the DNA. Its a sort of biological reference/ Blue print of what to build.

Once done, if there has to be a regrowth, the DNA has the reference, but does the brain instruct what to do?

When part of the brain is damaged (due to stroke or trauma or something else), what happens?

We are not regrowing anything, but the brain has to reconnect neurons in a different path to do the same thing. There is no growing involved so I am guessing DNA is not helpful. Who is telling the brain what to do?

In am thinking, in case of motor functions, I guess repeated external movements teach the brain how to connect the neurons. Once the connection is established and strengthened, the brain takes over and tells the body what to do.

I am assuming things not directly visible, like swallowing, are harder, but still physiological and might follow the same mechanism.

Many times, cognitive and abilities such as language, words recognition, etc. are affected. How does it work then? There is nothing physical to train externally.

Maybe making a repetition of word recognition and correlation sets the same mechanism in motion in the brain. It must be such a hard thing to do. Especially without support of a reference from DNA.

In some cases, it is not even possible to correlate or show and tell - like when emotions or feelings are affected. Mainly, Nurtured stuff and not Nature stuff...

What happens then? 
Is there no hope? 

If it does repair - how or who or what is doing the repair? What is the reference? 


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