20211217 : my eye test

After the stroke, I have been struggling with vision. Blurryness due to increased power, struggle seeing things in shorter distance (just age related I guess - but it got very sudden and accelerated after the stroke), progressive vision disruption in the left eye (had started before the stroke - don't know if the stroke has accelerated it). Double vision...

I needed a eye checkup badly...

So I got one yesterday.

If you are wondering how I managed to get to a eye hospital in my state, I didn't.

The Mountain came to Mohammed.

A very dear friend very kindly brought the hospital home.

My friend and two doctors were with me for a good part of last afternoon with everything from a monitor for the lines of different sized letters, the vision checking glasses with a huge briefcase full of lenses, various scanning tools, etc.

Whether worthy or not, I certainly felt like I was part of the royal family..

One of the lenses (left) of my glasses was patched up to see what it feels like. It felt fine for a little while and very strange afterwards. All I would say - I have a new found respect for my left eye and each eye does more than visible to the eye.

The real fun started after the pupils were dilated to enable the scanning. I couldn't see. I was not blind but blinded.

Folks who have gone through this, will know what it means when we say "the deer in the headlights".

Anyway, I could not use the phone for rest of yesterday.

All in all, I am very grateful for the same... 


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