20211217 : the fly

I have had mosquitoes sitting on me regularly enjoying their drink uninterrupted. Some places I can feel them, sometimes not, sometimes it itches, etc. But I have got used to them and ignore them for a long time...

I have had all sorts of insects. None of them have bitten me. They are amusing to watch.

Once in a while, a small spider runs along. I don't know if they bite. Sometimes it itches very much.

Ants are a very regular visitors. Don't know if these ones bite either (the small brown variety).

 Off late, I can reach some of them - on my abdomen or right hand. But I have got used to them as well and just ignore them.

Initially, I don't recollect who had told me, I was told I would feel strange feelings - like burning, ants crawling, etc. on me as the limbs recover.

So when I could feel that crawly feeling, I was overjoyed that my hand was healing. I was so disappointed later to see an actual ant taking a stroll.

Over time I have got used to it. They don't trouble me anymore.

What really gets me worked up is the common House Fly. It is not very common, but today one has been playing with me.

They don't bite, they are not clean - but that hardly matters to me. There is no exposed food that I have. The one who is rolling in shit hardly can complain about Flys.

Yet it bothers me.

Maybe it's because of all the visuals of hunger, malnutrition, death, etc - any hopelessness image basically. The Fly is always there to give the right effect.

Reminds me so much of this bit by Trevor Noah (the current best comedian - in my opinion)



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