20211211 : second child

Folks with 1 child (yet), or no children (even happier I gather), will struggle to get this..

You will understand no doubt, but probably not get the depth of it. 

When we had our 1st daughter, everything was new. The Joy was new and the apprehensions were new as well.

If something didn't seem right - get worried, if she was crying - consult dr. Google, if she didn't eat - dance around, if she didn't sleep - carry her around, if she didn't feel well - a real doctor consultation, etc 

With our second daughter, it was different. 

If she didn't eat - she will eat when she gets hungry, "she'll be alright", if she didn't sleep - she will sleep when she gets tired, "she'll be alright", if she had temperature - paracetamol first then we'll see, "she'll be alright", etc.

Don't get me wrong. We were just as overjoyed, cared just as much and loved her just as much.

We were more relaxed. Didn't have to hit the "panic" button often.

I think I started to get movements in my left hand at 5th week - very slowly. Sometimes it would not move, sometimes it would feel very heavy, sometimes it would feel very weak, etc.

These were times when I could not yet communicate. We had a letter board and I have eaten my wife's head more often than I can recollect pointing to "w" "e" "a" "k".

I would say my left hand is about 10% of what it was (strength, endurance, flexibility, range of motion, fine motor control, etc. Everything taken together). And that is almost 3 years since it started moving.

My right hand (on the other hand 🙂), there are no movements still - little in the shoulder area. But it feels weird all the time. Sometimes pulling, sometimes itchy, sometimes heavy, sometimes very rigid, sometimes burning, sometimes shooting pain, etc.

If the left hand got to this state after 3 years, the right hand will need a decade probably.

Nothing to worry - "She'll be alright" is the reaction.

My right hand is my second child... 


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