20211211 : Censorship

Was watching a talk last night by "Yual Noah Harari" (historian and author from Israel).

Have been watching many of his talks. Slightly long, but interesting.

I remember I had just started reading one of his books "Sapiens" when I had the stroke.

He has an interesting take on "Censorship"

In earlier days, Censorship was achieved by preventing, controlling and regulation of information. It was straight forward.

Today, there are too many sources and everyone has access anytime and anywhere to information.

So Censorship is achieved by over information, false information, misleading information, irrelevant information, etc.

Basically, flood us with information so we can't find the right information and if by chance we do find the real deal, we will have so little confidence on it, we would not trust it.

We will be so confused - we will eventually give up.

Navigating this mess will be very hard!

How true... 


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