20211128 : jumping to conclusions

Some days back, I had ordered something from BigBasket (an online grocery store). I usually use Amazon, but they didn't have what I was looking for.

As it was the first time using BigBasket, I was not conversant with everything and ended up with a delivery slot of 6-9am next day.

Sure enough, I was in my physio, and my mobile rang. The normal sequence I am used to is - my mobile rings once or twice (that's the delivery agent), then the landline rings (that's the security calling to ask permission to let someone up), then the doorbell rings (delivery agent again) and my dog barking like mad. Then the delivery is complete for my mind.

This time however, after my phone rang a few times, nothing happened next.

When I got my phone later - there was a note from BigBasket that my order was reprocessed due to no response and would be delivered in the evening between 5-8pm.

I assumed it was a different process with BigBasket and they won't go ahead if the mobile is not answered to confirm. So I asked my wife to answer my phone if she was around or ask our housekeeper to do so in the evening.

That day however, as luck would have it, both of them weren't around and Murphy came. My phone rang. I picked it up - hoping they would think it was just a bad connection and they couldn't hear, but it would indicate that someone was there and they would go ahead. Still nothing happened.

After sometime, I got a notification that the order was again reprocessed and will try again next day 6-9am. The reason was - door was not answered.

 What nonsense! I was in the living room, the kids were home, the nurses were home, the doorbell didn't ring, my dog did not bark. Who were there kidding that the door was not answered! 

Anyway, I asked my wife to have my phone in the morning so they cannot bluff again. I had even found their email and chat. I was determined to give a piece of my mind in the morning (didn't have time in the night). What was their problem to just deliver to the address like everyone else. Why so many phone calls. Shouldn't disabled folks order with them? What a dumb process (ironically not dumb friendly). I made up my mind never to use them again.

Next day in the morning, my wife came to me and told me I had the delivery address wrong - the door number was that of my parents. The poor delivery bloke had indeed spent a long while on the previous occasions, at the door. Nobody indeed opened the door (my mother is not in town).

I was dumb and dumber!

What is it that clears our mind immediately and look for faulting others first. What holds our mind above suspicion first rather than investigate it first.

Is it instinctive or cultivated?

I did feel very guilty for my thinking and very sorry.

I hope it was a lesson learnt about jumping to conclusions and I can put a check on the mind in the future...


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