20211125 : my Teeth set

Before I had my stroke, I was reasonably healthy and had a reasonable muscle tone. After the stroke, due to being absolutely immobile (muscle wasting), in about 8 weeks, I was reduced to skin and bones. It was horrible to see myself (I could only see my legs then). Seemed like only the skeleton!

But I was not very much concerned. Even though I was very concerned about how my body had become - I was not very worried. Besides, I knew how to build back muscles. I would do the same after I got ok (this was when I believed in the 'some months' version of I'll get ok).

What I was secretly proud of was my teeth set.

Except for 1 cavity in the back of a molar (which was not visible from the front - in my defense), I hadn't had to go to the dentist for anything else in my adult life (except when I was a very young boy - pre teens stuff).

I had quite a neat, well aligned, well maintained teeth set.

It took some time after the stroke for the muscle wasting to happen and turn me to a skeleton. A gradual process. Whilst it happened rapidly, didn't happen overnight

The gums are made of 2 layers (well like all things, there is a lot more detail, but primarily 2).

The one attached to the teeth is called gingiva - quite rigid. The other is made up of muscle and ligaments. It is flexible, but very sturdy and continuously works to hold the teeth in its place. (It's this flexible part we rely on, to realign teeth with braces. Takes a while)

Needless to say, we know what happened to all things muscle after the stroke. In the initial months - till my jaw rigidity set in, I could see my teeth (I used to be shown a mirror for feedback by my speech therapist).

The lips/ tongue were in a horrifying state anyway. I used to get even more horrified looking at my teeth set over the months. 

There were no longer muscle to do their job. The teeth were taking a walk everywhere. They were also loosely helt and shaking all over (I could only see them - I could feel nothing in the mouth anyway). Every tooth was in some vague position. Even lost one of my upper incisor in the bargain.

After 32 months, I can feel them a little. I don't know what I feel because they are all over the mouth and simply cannot relate to that feeling.

I think/ feel that the movement/ shaking is reducing too - which is good news.

Except - everything will get rigid/ frozen in it's current positions like crooked statues.

I feel like a snake. My canines have moved back and turned inward. My fangs now! 😂


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