20211114 : My Standing routine

After my physio daily, I stand for about 30 minutes using a standing contraption and supported by my two nurses.

I repeat it in the afternoon again for 30 minutes.

It should increase blood flow to the legs and strengthen those muscles.

Also supposed to strengthen the waist and back.

I hope it is doing it as it is a slower than snail process and impossible for me to make out. I am hoping it is doing all that.

Whilst I am hoping it is doing all that, the benefit to me is something else.

I lie on the bed for something close to 19 hrs and sit on the wheelchair (firmly) for about 3.5hrs. rest of the time (other than this hour standing) goes for sponge bath, cleaning, etc - lying on the bed also.

For those who have seen it, it reminds me of Irfan Khan explaining in detail to Amitabh Bachchan in "Piku" about the best position to pass motion.

For almost 2.5 years, I have had absolutely no bowel movement and have had to resort to enemas every 4 - 5 days.

That changed couple of months ago after my standing routine.

The real benefit to me is getting "vertical pressure". Also possible to a certain extent when I am sitting, but I am sitting squarely on my bum. Good luck with that!

Every 3 - 4 days now, the motion comes out. I still have no control, but it's progress from enemas.

So every couple of days, when everyone else thinks I am exercising, I am actually on my bathroom break - also enjoying it with music playing nowadays 😂


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