20211107 : Complex Crane

On several occasions in the past, many folks have said to me that I have to look at my rehab as similar to a baby learning to do things. 'baby learning to walk' was the cited favourite. 

I bought it for a while...

As I mulled over it, it seemed more and more a ridiculous comparison...

I had lived for long, knew very well this was how the limbs/ body was supposed to work. It just stopped working one day. I never paid attention and I don't know how it worked.

Everything was done unconsciously/ subconsciously. Now, I was having to do things consciously without knowing how to?

It is widely accepted that kids get a sense/ realisation of "self" sometime between 2 - 3 years. Till then they don't even know their body is theirs.

But they learn to do things much earlier. Most walk by a year.

If we think about it, it is science fiction stuff. That they see limbs and use them without knowing it belongs to them.

Must feel like the operator of a very complex crane with many moving parts (booms) except - the control room has no controls.

They have to learn to operate the crane using only intentions (not even thoughts)

And they have to perfect the precise operation , not because they know how it should work, but the reference is only by observing other cranes.

If that is hard to fathom, here is the kicker.

The first 2 years, whilst it is complicated beyond imagination, it very simply is developing Sensorymotor abilities.

So, the operator has no clue what is going on mostly and the crane itself is being upgraded everyday. Yesterday's program gets outdated today.

It is not just difficult but a miracle if the contraption even works, never mind it mostly manages to work with precision.

My point is Apples vs Oranges.

I will argue what I am having to do is way simple. It's nowhere close to "child's play" as we know it... 


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