20211106 : Brain & other Dimensions

The scientists of quantum stuff are working on furthering something called the "String theory".

Basically they have realised that all the mathematics describing stuff like space-time, gravity, different waves, etc. - they are all fine individually but breakdown when considered all together. They are saying for it all to make sense, there should be more dimensions in the universe than the 3 we are familiar with. In fact, I think the magic number is 11.

What would it be like? Can't even fathom it.

One of them may be "time".

It is a believed that we actively use only a very small portion of the brain's capacity.

What if the rest of it has access to the other dimensions and we just don't know it?

Eg, what are memories? Basically we are traversing through time and accessing experiences isn't it. On similar lines, if we can traverse backwards, it may be possible to traverse forwards too. Is that what a glimpse into future is? Is that what a premonition is? Is that what is meant by visualising and manifestation of reality is?

What would the other dimensions be?...


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