20211101 : Rehab sequence..

The first thing I could move after a few weeks was my ring finger of my left hand. Rest of the fingers one by one. Then the wrist. Then the elbow. A lot later, the shoulder. It is still partial and very weak...

On my left leg, I could wriggle my toes (except the 2nd - still doesn't move much). Then the ankle. Much later and very slowly, the knee - which is very weak still. I have just started a bit movement of my left hip.

Basically bottom-up, both limbs.

I naturally expected some day, I will start wriggling my fingers or toes on the right side.

However the brain is doing a top-down to play with me.

I have very slight movement on the hip and very little movement on the thigh .
Can move the triceps a little and very little movement on the shoulder.

Very weird feeling to move a hand or leg when the extremity (palm) doesn't move. Or to try to move a leg when can't feel anything beyond the knee.

Wondering what trick is in store for the torso🤔 (waist, back, abdomen, waist, chest, etc)... Most importantly, when???


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