20210808 : Olympics events

The olympics has 2 types of games.
One I would categorise as games with unquestionable outcomes where the winners are certain and unquestionable. Ex, the Javelin throw. Nobody can question it and anybody can measure the distance and come to the same conclusion. It applies to individual and team events equally.

The other kind is dependent on other people judging and giving a score based on what they thought. Most of the time, when there are controversies it is of these outcomes. 

I thought that as time passes, they would reduce the opportunity for this and try and bring more objectivity to the games. 

This year they introduced 'Skate Boarding'. I felt that itself was crazy.

I was appalled to learn that they plan , in Paris 2024, to introduce 'Break Dancing' 🤦🏽‍♂️


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