20210723 : Incontinence

I have had a bascilar stroke 2 and half years ago. I'm bed ridden and no movement on right side and very limited movement on the left. So in diaper.

I was on catheter for first 5 months. Later on, moved home and catheter was not easy to manage. For a few days, it was just diaper with change every 2-3 hours. In a little while, I realised I could feel the pressure in the bladder and I could ring a bell to indicate I have to go so the nurses could give urine can. So the change every few hours stopped. Although I could feel the need to go, there was no ability to control. I usually had 20 seconds from the feeling to passing. The feeling came every 2-3 hours. And about 400ml each time (i am on peg feeds so only on fluids also).

There has been no difficulty passing and no urinary infections till date. However, over time, the frequency has increased and I need to go every 1.5- 2 hours and tolerance has reduced and the nurses have to react faster. Off late, maybe 2-3 weeks, it has become difficult to pass as well, not painful, just unable to empty my bladder fully. Don't know what to make of it.

The bowel movements have not been that easy.
For about 1 and half years, there was nothing. Administering enema also gave no results. So, every 3-4 days they had to do what is known as PR usually (basically, manual extraction). It was very uncomfortable and painful period.

For 6 months or so, enema is working, so every 4-5 days its enema administration. On very rare occasions, due to some infection and subsequent loose motions, it has passed on its own. There has been no dearth of medicines and laxatives we have used. Recently, since my physiotherapist has started making me stand with a standing contraption, on very rare occasions, the motion comes by itself when I'm standing (presumably because of the vertical pressure). I have no control however.

I'm hoping it will get better this year..


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